Visão e Valores

Vision & Values James Jajola 27 de setembro de 2022

Estamos comprometidos em construir parcerias duradouras e defender o sucesso do produtor.

Começa com os produtores em mente

O mundo precisa de alimentos nutritivos e de alta qualidade. E os produtores estão entregando. No entanto, manter as culturas saudáveis ​​em um ambiente em constante mudança está se tornando cada vez mais complicado. É aí que entra Stoller. Nossa experiência em fitossanidade e nosso compromisso de colocar os produtores no centro de nossa visão e nossos valores é apenas a primeira parte de como podemos crescer juntos.® comes in.

Our expertise in plant health and commitment to putting growers at the center of our vision and our values is just the first part of how we can grow together.

Começa com os produtores em mente

O mundo precisa de alimentos nutritivos e de alta qualidade. E os produtores estão entregando. No entanto, manter as culturas saudáveis ​​em um ambiente em constante mudança está se tornando cada vez mais complicado. É aí que entra Stoller. Nossa experiência em fitossanidade e nosso compromisso de colocar os produtores no centro de nossa visão e nossos valores é apenas a primeira parte de como podemos crescer juntos.® comes in.

Our expertise in plant health and commitment to putting growers at the center of our vision and our values is just the first part of how we can grow together.

Nossa visão
To deliver proven plant performance solutions that empower our customers’ sustainability.
Our Mission
Innovation, knowledge and our strong grower relationships drive our customer-oriented agricultural company to create exceptional value.

Our Values

We’re committed to living our values every day to best support growers around the world. Because when we can help growers win, so do people and the planet.


People are at the heart of our business. We respect and honor the people who contribute to our company’s growth by joining our team or using our products.


We want our customers to know they can trust the people and products behind our brand. Therefore, we commit to a transparent partnership and making decisions that support our customers’ success.


We maintain a thriving, innovative culture to empower our team and the customers who use our products so we can all grow together.


We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations by giving them solutions they can use to solve their biggest issues.


When it comes to improving agriculture success, we believe in partnering with our customers. Building success together and sharing knowledge creates a greater value for everyone.


From understanding nutritional deficiencies to perfecting crop quality, we excel at providing consistent service and product performance.


We want our customers to know they can trust the people and products behind our brand. Therefore, we commit to a transparent partnership and making decisions that support our customers’ success.


We maintain a thriving, innovative culture to empower our team and the customers who use our products so we can all grow together.


We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations by giving them solutions they can use to solve their biggest issues.


When it comes to improving agriculture success, we believe in partnering with our customers. Building success together and sharing knowledge creates a greater value for everyone.


From understanding nutritional deficiencies to perfecting crop quality, we excel at providing consistent service and product performance.